BII and explant- what is the problem?

How it all started.

11 years ago I decided to get breast implants and thought it was the best thing ever. Over the years I started to feel like my health was declining and did not know what was wrong. A few years back after leaving work I froze on the ramp entering the highway and called 911, I felt like I was just going to die. I went to cardiologist, neurologist, had sleep studies, blood work- the result: there was nothing wrong. I continued to live through these called “spells” a few times a year. My breath started getting shallower causing more anxiety, I didn’t know what taking a full breath felt like anymore. Migraines and constant headaches were debilitating. I got Covid and my anxiety got worse, depression- I had never experienced it until it hit me. Why was I feeling like this if I was “healthy” and active. Nothing I was feeling was normal. I started learning and practicing journaling, meditation, red light therapy and neurosomatic trainings to ease the pain.

Throughout the years the symptoms got worse. My neck was out, I couldn’t even tilt my head back anymore. I had insomnia, memory problems, gut issue. My body ached so much I did not want to stand, I was chronically fatigued. As a fitness instructor I had to put my brave face on to still be there for the clients giving them everything I had even though I felt my worst.

For about a year I had been researching BII (Breast Implant Illness) but did not think much of it. What is BII- a range of symptoms that start to occur from your body being in a constant state of inflammation. It’s really 50/50 shot if you get it. The problem is some doctors still do not believe it is a real thing, there is no real way to diagnose it. Not many will talk about it. As time goes by more and more women are coming to the realization that the implants are doing more harm than good. I was still undecided and then I met a lady who told me her story and how it changed her life and had no regrets. I wanted that but after 11 years of being the person with implants- what was i gonna think of myself? what about work? how would I feel? She really helped me come to my decision that it was time. In May of 2023 I searched for a doctor and found one that was highly recommended from other women who had previously had explant surgery. This doctor was now only focused on explant and believed in BII. I decided to do a consult and took the plunge. I scheduled surgery for that November and was moving along for an explant.

November 13, 2023 was the day I became free! I thought I was going to be more emotional the day of surgery knowing I was losing part of me but I wasn’t. Maybe it would come after surgery after I saw myself, still nothing. I was happy. The doctor said my implants were not leaking and there was nothing abnormal in my breasts and I was good. The first thing I noticed on my drive home was the feeling of taking full deep belly breaths. The oxygen I had been longing for. A few days later I was in shock when I had full range of motion on my neck. My body felt lighter, there was no pain, no aches. Even though I was sleeping for most of the time in the weeks after recovery I still felt good and with energy.

I am now a year post op and fully healed. This is a reminder to do you, listen to your gut and body. Stay informed, do your research. The problem- there is not a lot of information out there, not many stories because nobody is speaking out about how this is an actual issue. Doctors just care about making money and will not disclose the potential harmful effects of breast implants. Trust, talk about it, tell people your story because you have no idea who you will inspire one day.

-Embrace the change, RA